Hello! We are the Haruna family, an international married couple living in rural Japan.
This is our site where we share about country life, our multicultural family, what it’s like to be an immigrant, and much more.
My name is Hannah. I was born in California, and came to Japan for the first time on a short-term internship in 2012. At the time, I had no idea that I would end up living here as an immigrant!
After moving overseas, I met the man who would become my husband, Masashi. He also spent a year abroad in Uganda and was living in Tokyo when we met.
We have now been married for almost 9 years, are soon to be parents of 3, and have 3 babies in heaven as well.
After much prayer, In 2018 we decided to move from the Kanto area to the Kansai countryside.
Masashi pastors Highland Christ Church of Hyogo, is learning to farm our rice fields, and runs a small family business. Occasionally we perform as a classical-crossover duet, "Meoto".
I am also a writer, and my interests include acting, interior design, decorating, gardening, homeschooling our kids, and almost anything creative or old-fashioned!
We look forward to sharing about our family!
If you enjoy reading our blog, consider saying hi on Instagram (our page is @happilyeverharuna).
We would love to hear from you!