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St. Valentine’s Day Homeschool Freebies

February 2, 2025

One of the things that I really enjoy with my oldest son is doing seasonal-themed homeschool activities.

Since February has begun, we are learning about Valentine’s Day! As a bicultural, international family, it’s exciting to learn about the different aspects of holidays, and create our own family traditions.

Doing fun activities is also helpful for getting over the midwinter slump during the coldest time of the year!

Continue reading below for some Valentine’s Day freebies!! Please note that this post includes an affiliate link. If you choose to use it, it helps our family. Thank you so much!!

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Merry Christmas from the Harunas!

December 26, 2023

Photo: our first photo as a family of 4, earlier this year

Merry Christmas from the Haruna family!

Things have been very busy recently as we finished the second set of major renovations on our akiya (formerly unoccupied older Japanese house). The reform is not quite finished since there are still a few smaller repairs remaining to be completed next spring, but the majority of the work is finally over!!

We’re looking forward to settling back into our regular home routine.

Now it is nearly time for Shogatsu celebrations (the Japanese New Year), and we are also excited to spend time spent with family. In the meantime, we will soon share the final installment of Hiragana at Home!

Those of you who have already purchased the program, keep your eyes peeled for the Part 3 download coming soon to your purchased files folder. Although we do not have an exact release date, you can expect the last and final installment to Hiragana at Home to be released prior to the Japanese Term 3 school start date.

Note: due to the plethora of spam comments we receive, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us through our contact form page, or at Instagram (@happilyeverharuna).

Thank you, and have a Happy New Year!!

Coming Soon: Hiragana at Home!!

February 8, 2023

I’ve been keeping a secret!!

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of a brand-new home education resource:

Hiragana at Home!

As a mother living in Japan and a second-language speaker of Japanese, I longed for a home education resource for exposing young children to Japanese language in a way that was gentle, simple, play-based, and not time-consuming or filled with busy work.

Home-educating a bilingual child should not mean that their language skills have to suffer!

However, there are few home-education resources available for people who desire to teach the Japanese language to young children (including overseas), and little support is available to families in Japan who decide not to enroll their child in preschool.

Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a home education program for our family that met my expectations, as well as would allow our children to thrive without losing out on their language development, I would have to make it myself – and so, I did!

**Note: this post was updated on March 24th, 2023, to reflect updates regarding the spring 2023 release!!**

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